One of the capabilities of Azure is you can host and serve static web content directly from Azure Storage. In this post, I demonstrate how this can be achieved.

Hosting static content directly from Azure Storage provides cost saving benefits over hosting the content on Azure Web Apps.

First we will need a Resource Group. To create one, use the following Azure CLI command:

az resource group create --name --location

Next, we will need an Azure Storage Account, which we can create using the following Azure CLI command:

az storage account create --sku Standard_LRS --location --kind StorageV2 --access-tier Hot --name --resource-group

Once the storage account is created, note the response from the command which shows the JSON output of the storage account that was created. There is a part that shows the “primaryEndpoints”.

Note the entry for “web”.

This URL for “web” will be the public endpoint we will use when browsing to the static website. If we browse to it now, we will get a 404.

Our static content will need to be stored in a container in our blob storage account. This container is a special container called $web, which is the root of the static website.

Use the following Azure CLI command to create one.

az storage container create --account-name --name $web

Copying a static website to blob storage

We will use an already existing static website, found on Github

Clone the repo using the following command:

git clone

Once the repository is clone, next we will need to copy the static content to our Azure Storage. For this we can use a variety of different ways: AzCopy, Azure Storage Explorer, Azure Portal etc.

In this post, I’ll use AzCopy, which you can find the latest version at

We will first need a Shared Acess Signature (SAS) token in order to use AzCopy. We can generate one from the Azure Portal.

Once the SAS Token is generated, use it in the following AzCopy commands to copy the contents of the repo into the $web container:

..\azcopy copy "assets"
"$web?" --recursive=true

..\azcopy copy "images"
"$web?" --recursive=true

..\azcopy copy "error"
"$web?" --recursive=true

..\azcopy copy "index.html" "$web?"

Once all the content is copied over, we can enable the Static Website feature on Azure Blob Storage.

Once this is enabled, browse to the public endpoint for the static website.

Now that we hosted our static website in Azure Storage, we can now add an Azure CDN on top of this storage account so that the users don’t experience latency issues when they are visiting our webpage from a location far away from our storage account’s location.

And we done!