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immedia newsletter: March 2011

This month has seen a sea of changes at immedia with a shift in management, accompanied by a number of other key strategic promotions and appointments within the company.

A space by the people & for the people

Now that we’ve made the long anticipated big move into our new building we thought you might like a tour of the interior which we designed ourselves. Our thinking was that we design everything for our clients ourselves, so why not our new building?

immedia newsletter: February 2011

Of great interest is an article on the rumoured development of the iPad 2, which will reportedly be “thinner and lighter than the first model and will also include a front-facing camera for video conferencing, more memory, and a more powerful graphics processor.”

immedia newsletter: September 2010

Bright new beginnings are what Spring is all about but they’re also what’s driving immedia right now as our new office space takes shape on the crest of one of Durban’s hottest locations: Ridgeside. September also marks the local launch of the new Apple iPhone 4 that’ll be available from the end of the month.